Little Misfortune Free Online

We remember our childhood as the best time of our life, carefree and safe, when we didn’t have to worry about anything and had only positive emotions surrounding us. But not all children are the same and not every childhood is so nice. The heroine of this game is a little girl named Ramirez Hernandez who has a rather grim set of mind. Her life as a slew of misfortunes that seem to follow her and her mother everywhere. She dreams of changing that somehow and giving them a good life void of trouble that she thinks they deserve. It’s not herself Ramirez cares about, but her poor mother. She wants to give her just a bit of happiness so much. That will be hard to do with their bad luck, but the girl doesn’t give up and is ready to do anything to fix the situation. Besides, she has met a new friend – an adult voice sounding in her head that accompanies and helps her. So she sets out on a trip through an imaginary world looking for happiness and joy.

Are you ready for a full little misfortune gameplay walkthrough? I waited a long time to do this series but it's finally here. I didn't think it would be THI. The main character you are about to play as is a little girl. She has quite a pessimistic character and a good imagination. She always makes things up and her last invention is a magical land where she can get to find the trophy of Eternal Happiness. Little Misfortune is an interactive story, focused on exploration and characters, both sweet and dark, where your choices have consequences. Sharing the same universe with the cult video game Fran Bow, created by the visionary dev-duo Killmonday Games. This is a completed gameplay of Little Misfortune by me (Gloom) and our buddy Carl. The demo left us hungry, the game is twisted and dark enough that we had. Little Misfortune is an interactive story, focused on exploration and characters, both sweet and dark, where your choices have consequences. The demo was released on Steam and on April 22, 2019 and on Andriod on May 22, 2019. You play as Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, a wonderful child from a not-so-wonderful family. As the game progresses, you are given choices that will affect later.


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Little Misfortune Full Game Download

But don’t relax before time, this world isn’t so colorful and friendly. While exploring it, you’ll face the girl’s inner demons and all kinds of perils that will try to thwart you in your mission. You should remain brave and keep going forward no matter what. The situation grows tougher because Ramirez’ mother is a heavy drinker, she keeps killing her body with alcohol and her mind with bad thoughts. So you need to act quickly, but not in a haste. You have to think over every decision of yours because every action affects the further course of the story. Yes, you actually have a sway over the outcome of this fairy tale and it’s in your power to make its ending either good or bad!

Aside from the adult voice, the girl has many friends and animals in the magical world that will lend her a helping hand in the time of need. Make sure the heroine doesn’t do anything stupid and doesn’t get in trouble. On your way, there are plenty of surprises waiting for you, one of them is that you can also find other children like you that wend missing in this desolate land! Discover the thrills and challenges of Little Misfortune on our site!


Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, an imaginative 8-year-old, seeks the prize of Eternal Happiness, as a gift to her Mommy. Led by her new friend, Mr. Voice, they venture into the woods, where mysteries are unraveled and a little bit of bad luck unfolds.


Little Misfortune Game Free

Little Misfortune is an interactive story, focused on exploration and characters, both sweet and dark, where your choices have consequences.

Sharing the same universe with the cult video game Fran Bow, created by the visionary dev-duo Killmonday Games.

Little Misfortune Free Online Game


– You may pet a doggy, a fishy, a wolfie, the Kraken, the kitty and the foxy.
– Visit a pet cemetery with a shovel.
– Now with real human voices: Hear Misfortune say some pretty cute things!
– Missing children.
– There’s a monster!
– Fall in love.
– Commit petty crimes.
– Original art by Natalia Martinsson.
– Original soundtrack by Isak Martinsson.

Killmonday Games AB ©, Little Misfortune 2017 and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Killmonday Games AB. © All rights reserved. Used with permission.